

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Webinar Registration Content Marketing for Manufacturers

Posted January 8, 2020
1 minute read

Content marketing is a tactics that manufacturers can no longer ignore. Every manufacturer who wants to generate new leads and sales should have a content marketing strategy in place, and that strategy should be documented and considered a high priority.

With 74% of B2B buyers conducting over half of their research online before making an offline purchase, manufacturers must make content available online that meets the needs of those researching.

We're hosting a free webinar, Content Marketing for Manufacturers, to guide manufacturing companies in how to put an effective content strategy in place.

Manufacturing Content Marketing Webinar

Who should attend: Manufacturing company marketers, managers or owners

What we'll cover: We'll guide you in the types of content that manufacturers should be focused on to appeal to their buyer personas, and how that content should be organized to rank well in Google searches.

When: Wednesday, January 22 at 1 pm ET

Reserve a spot


Topics Manufacturing Marketing

Howard Deskin is a former CPA with more than 30 years of experience managing strategic business and technology initiatives. At WebStrategies, Howard spends his time doing what he does best: focusing on business growth opportunities for clients, helping them increase both revenues and profits.

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