

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Age-Targeted Marketing for Security Companies

Posted July 18, 2018
1 minute read

Security Marketing Webinar

bigstock-Generation-X-Y-Z-Millennials--93987365There are significant differences in how each generation prefers to communicate and make purchase decisions online, and differences in security needs across the generations.

Segmenting your prospective and existing customers based on their age group allows you to create more effective messaging that better resonates with your audience and produces stronger results for your company. 

Age-Targeted Marketing Plan for Security Companies

I recently hosted a webinar, Age-Targeted Marketing for Security Companiescovering the best ways to reach each generation and focus on the security interests they commonly have, from security for their first home, smart home automation and DIY security to older generations downsizing.

Learn how you can create more effective marketing campaigns when you use age-specific segmentation. Because just as there is no one size that fits all for your security solutions, there is not one single message that will resonate with all of your current and prospective customers. 



Topics Security Company Marketing

Howard Deskin is a former CPA with more than 30 years of experience managing strategic business and technology initiatives. At WebStrategies, Howard spends his time doing what he does best: focusing on business growth opportunities for clients, helping them increase both revenues and profits.

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