

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Tracking Results on Manufacturer Websites

Posted June 3, 2020
2 minute read

If your manufacturing company is actively using your website to market your business and attract new leads (and you absolutely should be), it’s essential that you have an understanding of where the traffic to your website is generated from and how users are behaving once they arrive.

Luckily, there are free tools available that you can use to analyze your website in-depth and get direct insight into your customers’ behavior, what they’re looking for, and whether your website is addressing their needs.

Why Do You Need Website Results Tracking?

Analyzing the behavior on your company's website is a critical piece in determining the success of your marketing and advertising campaigns, and ensuring that you are creating the most positive experience possible for potential customers.

If you are able to pinpoint the origin of your website traffic, you are much better equipped to monitor the amount of revenue that your campaigns generate. This data will help you decide which campaigns are the most effective and worth continuing to execute.

On a deeper level, tracking user behavior on your website will also give you an understanding of how individual pages are performing.

If you have pages that have a high bounce rate or are not generating the number of conversions you thought they would, you can optimize them by expanding the copy or adding additional details.

Useful tools

If you are looking to implement precise tracking for your website, we suggest that you take advantage of the free tools provided by Google.

A standard tool used by marketers is Google Analytics.

Google Analytics, particularly when combined with Google Tag Manager, is able to provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your website, including visitor demographics (age, location, etc.), page performance insights, and many more metrics that you can analyze to see how potential customers are engaging with your business online.Google Analytics dashboard

Google Analytics also allows you to identify the source of your website traffic, set and track goals for your advertising campaigns, and regularly measure the progress of those goals to ensure that they are performing how you expected them to.

Another valuable free tool that you can use to identify how your website is positioned in organic search is Google Search Console.

This platform will provide you with the keywords that users are searching for in Google to find your website. You can use this data to identify potential optimization opportunities and find new keywords that you can create content centered around to attract more traffic to your website.

Finally, with Google Data Studio, you can create graphs, charts, or presentations to easily visualize the data that you have collected in the other free tools provided by Google.

Digital Technology for Manufacturers

As digital technology continues to become more and more advanced every year, it has become essential that manufacturing companies are actively attempting to market and sell their products online. Having an updated website with content that your target audience is looking for is an essential piece of that.

When used cohesively, the tools mentioned in this post will give you a great sense of how users are interacting with your website and allow you to create a detailed plan to attract more traffic and improve the value of the traffic you are already receiving.

If you’re interested in learning more about how manufacturers can use digital technology to create a more efficient marketing and sales process that generates more leads, you can watch our recent webinar for manufacturers.

Topics Manufacturing Marketing

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