

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

SEO - A Good Primer to Understand Search Engine Optimization

Posted April 15, 2012
2 minute read
Search engine optimization (SEO) is changing faster than ever. It seems I read daily about more Google updates. Last year it was the infamous Panda update when they began re-evaluating how the search engine views quality content. Now I am reading more about how Google is changing the way it looks at links. Rest assured Google is in hot competition with Bing and to win that battle, Google needs to continue improving the relevance of its search results. After all, isn't that what we want from Google? Isn't that good customer service from Google? It is to me and it means we in the SEO business need to stay true to what delivers the best search results - rather than trying to "game" the system.
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Topics SEO, Digital Marketing

Keyword Research - Expanding the Mindset

Posted February 17, 2012
2 minute read
In performing keyword research for a number of SEO projects, I have found that one of the important factors is to quickly get beyond any preconceptions of what the targeted keywords should be for a particular client. It is all too easy to select the keyword phrases used by most of the client's competitors. If this happens, you find yourself spending a lot of time trying to rank against keywords where there are a huge number of competing pages in the search engine indices.
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Topics Search engines, SEO, Local SEO

SEO & Social Media are Most Effective Tactics

Posted December 4, 2011
3 minute read
What are companies finding to be their most effective sales and lead generation activities? That was the objective of a recent survey conducted by Web-Marketing 123, a California based, nationally recognized online marketing company. They surveyed over 500 US companies. About two-thirds of respondents operated in the B2B space (marketing to other businesses) with the remainder marketing directly to the general public (B2C). The participating firms were of all sizes, from firms with fewer than 10 employees to those with more than 1,000, and the mix was pretty even, making the results representative of the business community.
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Topics SEO, Social Media, Digital Marketing

Social Media – What’s This Google + Thing?

Posted August 15, 2011
2 minute read
Social media has “a new sheriff in town” called Google +. Google has gotten into the social media space in a huge way recently and in only 3 weeks has amassed about 20 million users. What is it? How is it different from Facebook, LinkedIn and some of the other social networks? Is there a business application for this? How will it affect online marketing activities? There are many questions about Google + and this post is only an intro to this exciting new online network.
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Topics Internet Marketing, SEO, Social Technologies, Social Media, Digital Marketing

Customer Service – The Age of “Emotionomics”

Posted May 10, 2011
1 minute read
I've read a good deal on the topic of "emotionomics" and it has continued to make an impression on me. Emotionomics in general is the confluence of the products and services with the customer's emotional experience using those products and services. For someone who operates an internet marketing agency, I think of emotionomics as the experience our customers have during a project...a web development project, an seo project, etc. In other words, if we produce great seo results but the process the customer experienced during the project is painful, then the customer thinks poorly of us even though we might achieve awesome results.
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Topics Internet Marketing, SEO, Client Relations

Search Engine Optimization or Social Media for Small Businesses

Posted April 1, 2011
2 minute read
A recent survey by American Express and SEMPO revealed that small and mid-sized businesses (SMB’s) are investing more in social media than in search engine optimization. Considering the challenges in measuring social media ROI, I was ambivalent about this finding. I mean on one hand I am not surprised businesses are really interested in social media. After all, it is what everyone seems to be entranced by. On the other hand, search engine optimization is such a powerful tool to actually generating leads and it can be more easily measured.
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Topics Internet Marketing, SEO, Local SEO, Social Media, Digital Marketing

How Social Media Plays in the Online Shopping/Buying Process

Posted March 29, 2011
2 minute read
GroupM Search and comScore, two reliable sources of research about online buying behavior, recently released findings of a new study that focused on the impact and search and social media, and the synergy of each channel. The results were quite interesting and may provide insights that could alter your current search and social media strategies. A meaningful excerpt from the study revealed the following:
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Topics Internet Marketing, SEO, Local SEO, Social Technologies, Social Media, Digital Marketing

Social, Search and Other 2011 Online Trend Predictions

Posted January 14, 2011
4 minute read
2010 was an exciting year in the world of online marketing. The Bing and Yahoo search alliance, Google Instant, new mobile devices and even a major motion picture about the rise of a social network. While it's hard to tell what the next year holds, I don't think anything is slowing down - in fact, I see momentum building even more and more.
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Topics Search engines, SEO, Local SEO, Mobile, Web Analytics, Social Media, Digital Marketing

Are You Taking Local Search Seriously?

Posted December 11, 2010
2 minute read
Over the past couple of months, Google has made it clear it's taking local search seriously. In essence, they have reconfigured the search result page and algorithm so organic and local listings become integrated. Studies suggest websites that implemented best practice SEO tactics weren't largely affected by this change, as local optimization was likely already a part of the overall optimization strategy. In fact, it's been shown that sites that already had strong organic and local optimization saw their overall positions increase. Conversely, sites without a local optimization campaign that implemented grey and black-hat techniques (in other words, simply gaming the Google algorithm based on the most recent exploits) have or will soon experience an overall decrease in visibility and ultimately traffic.
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Topics Search engines, SEO, Local SEO, Google Analytics, Web Analytics

Exercise In Establishing An Effective Online Marketing Campaign

Posted November 13, 2010
4 minute read
Studies have shown that those who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. Maybe it's because something written down will nag at you more - keeping it top of mind. But also likely is how establishing a goal - or end objective - gives what you do a sense of purpose. Having something clearly defined and written out holds you accountable. "Are we achieving this?" Yes or No. "If we're not achieving this yet, are we doing something to get us closer to achieving it?" Yes or No. Answering "No" twice means we're failing. Failing to achieve and failing to do better.
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Topics Web tools, Pay Per Click, SEO, Website Development, Web Analytics