

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

WebStrategies Reaches Diamond Tier as a HubSpot Solutions Partner

Posted June 16, 2022
2 minute read
Today, WebStrategies Inc. of Richmond, Va., announced that it has reached the Diamond tier of HubSpot’s Solutions Partner Program. HubSpot, a leading CRM platform for scaling companies, works hand-in-hand with partner experts to grow their businesses through inbound software, services, and support.
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Topics Hubspot, HubSpot for Credit Unions

WebStrategies Promoted to HubSpot Platinum Partner

Posted January 11, 2021
1 minute read
At WebStrategies, we are firm believers that businesses equipped with the most modern and innovative marketing technology, along with data-driven strategy, achieve the best results.
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Topics Inbound Marketing, Hubspot, HubSpot for Credit Unions

How Hubspot Can Improve Credit Union Marketing Reporting

Posted June 17, 2020
4 minute read
When you’re in the market for a customer relationship management system that will support your credit union marketing efforts, HubSpot is often a top contender. Their in-depth data analytics can help you improve your credit union marketing by giving you the insight needed to make more informed marketing decisions. HubSpot tracks everything from email open rates to leads generated and more, so you’ll never miss out on this essential data.
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Topics Hubspot, Credit Union Marketing

The Best Marketing Automation System for Credit Unions

Posted May 20, 2020
3 minute read
You can implement credit union marketing automation practices to generate more leads, be more efficient, and personalize your marketing to appeal to your current and future customers. When making decisions about marketing automation, you have to determine which system will help you best achieve your marketing goals. We recommend an advanced platform like Hubspot for our credit union clients; however, there are other options available as well.
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Topics Hubspot, Credit Union Marketing, HubSpot for Credit Unions

Aligning Google Analytics With Your Inbound Marketing

Posted January 24, 2016
6 minute read
Executing an effective inbound marketing requires three things: 1) patience, 2) commitment, and 3) good decision making. It could take months, or even years, to see a significant payoff from inbound marketing. This is where patience and commitment come into play. Good decision making is less straightforward. It requires a level of expertise to do the right things the right way. It also requires good data to make educated, informed decisions about what to do next. Our Guide To Measuring Inbound Marketing showed you how to measure your inbound marketing efforts across a variety of platforms. Now it's time to go deeper. Most marketing automation platforms provide only a modest level of web analytics. This is adequate for a high-level view of what’s taking place, but it’s not enough for extensive analysis. Google Analytics is considered the gold-standard in free web analytics platforms, and it should be used in conjunction with any inbound marketing campaign. While Google Analytics provides hundreds of different reports and metrics, only a few are essential to the modern day inbound marketer.
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Topics Inbound Marketing, Google Analytics, Hubspot, Data