Monitoring your competition can be either constructive or counter-productive, depending on how you approach it.
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Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing
Over the last 11 years in the marketing space, we've identified two over-arching reasons why some marketing plans don't work. The first is a failure to adequately measure the lead and lag metrics of a campaign. The lead metrics are those actions that might ultimately lead to a qualified prospect or a sale. The lag metrics are the bottom line - leads generated, sales made, email signups, etc. You get the idea. The second reason is a failure to understand what is important to the customer. Think about it - how can you effectively communicate and motivate a buyer to consider you if you don't know what's important to him/her.
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Content marketing,
Internet Marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing
Hey Central VA - we love our city and we're a creative, talented and unique group of people - don't you think? And, we're into technology - we embrace the internet and the digital world. Now, you can be part of a study that will help us all get more from the internet.
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Internet Marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing
Blogging is "the bomb" and this post gives 3 compelling reasons to blog, along with some suggestions about how to get started. However, first, let's get one thing straight. For those of you on the younger side of the curve, use of the phrase "the bomb" was popularized in the 90's and according to the Urban Dictionary means "exceptionally cool". Now that we've established that, let's talk about why blogging is "the bomb".
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Content marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing
A report came out recently about how small & medium sized business (SMBs) owners intend to invest their digital marketing dollars in 2015. When asked which marketing channel they intend to increase investments, 49% said their websites, 6 percentage points ahead of any other digital marketing channel.
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Internet Marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Website Development,
Digital Marketing,
Conversion Rate Optimization
Are you concerned your marketing strategy is stuck in the past? In a recent survey, over a quarter of marketers said keeping up to date with the latest marketing technology and trends was one of their most pressing business challenges. Do you fall into that bucket?
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Inbound Marketing,
Pay Per Click,
Display Advertising,
Digital Marketing
With more than three of four companies increasing their investment in digital marketing, making the right choice about a digital marketing agency to partner with is becoming more important. When evaluating which digital marketing agency is right for them, we recommend companies seek information about 5 critical areas. These include
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Internet Marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing