

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Credit Union Marketing Webinar: AEC Framework

Posted July 25, 2018
1 minute read
Watch our Credit Union Marketing Webinar: When Credit Unions should (and should not) invest in the most popular digital marketing tactics Even the most effective credit union marketing tactics can sometimes be a waste of money. Why spend money on a problem you don't have? Our webinar will help you identify which digital strategies belong in your marketing plan based on current results and where you have the biggest opportunity for improvement within the Attract > Engage > Convert Framework.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

MAC Conference 2018 Recap [Credit Union Marketing]

Posted June 12, 2018
2 minute read
This year the MAC Conference (Marketing Association of Credit Unions) was held in beautiful San Diego. MAC never disappoints and this proved to be a great time networking with credit unions and vendors. Next year the conference will be in NOLA and we can’t wait to see what will happen there!
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Webinar: Marketing to Millennials

Posted May 8, 2018
1 minute read
How can credit unions reach more millennials online? It's something just about every credit union wants to figure out, but the pace of technology and a growing list of marketing platforms makes it difficult to keep up.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Webinar: Measuring Marketing Results

Posted April 24, 2018
It's a challenge we consistently hear from credit union marketing professionals we speak with. They struggle to fully measure the results of their digital marketing efforts, despite pressure to justify their marketing budgets.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Developing An Effective Credit Union Marketing Plan

Posted March 21, 2018
6 minute read
On several occasions, I have had the privilege of speaking to credit union or bankers groups and marketing professionals on the topic of unlocking YOUR digital marketing formula. I emphasize "your" because everyone shouldn't use the same digital tactics. What works for one business may not work for another. We preach this message to our clients, including our many bank and credit union clients. Despite being in the same industry, the location of these financial institutions and what they're ultimately trying to achieve can vary. To figure out the right formula, we need to break down who your specific customer is, what THEIR goals are, and how you can help them achieve those goals. (See the theme starting to develop? This is about them, not about you.) We kicked off a past workshop session by showing some industry trends (who doesn't love to take a peek at what everyone else is doing?). With marketing expenses representing around 7 to 12% of total revenue, investing in the wrong strategies is a costly mistake.
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Topics Content marketing, Personas, Digital Marketing, Credit Union Marketing

[Video] Improving Credit Union Advertising Results

Posted March 5, 2018
1 minute read
Every dollar counts when it comes to credit union marketing budgets. Digital advertising can be very effective, but only if you're reaching the right audience with the right offers. Many credit union marketers haven't quite cracked the code on how to use social media effectively, and we see dozens of searches each month on things like "how to use social media for credit unions" and "how much should credit unions spend on social media." Social media has become pay-to-play for businesses, but with the right targeting it is definitely worth playing.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Conference: CUNA Marketing & Business Development

Posted February 28, 2018
1 minute read
We're packing our bags for San Francisco to learn, share and be inspired by credit union experts from all over the country. We're headed to the 25 th annual CUNA Marketing & Business Development Council Conference , March 11-14, 2018. Our own Chris Leone, President of WebStrategies, will be speaking on March 12.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Marketing and Advertising Resources

Posted January 30, 2018
1 minute read
We are pleased to introduce a new resource to help credit unions succeed with their marketing efforts. Our newly expanded Credit Union Marketing Resources page offers easy access to a wealth of information on making the most of marketing dollars to grow memberships online.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

6 Best Practices for PPC Advertising For Credit Unions

Posted November 28, 2017
6 minute read
At this point, most people who work in marketing or advertising for the credit union industry have heard of PPC or search advertising. But do you know what your potential customers think of it?
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Marketing to Current Credit Union Members

Posted November 20, 2017
5 minute read
Using advertising and SEO to find new credit union clients can be very costly and can take a long time to see a return on investment. While it’s still necessary to grow the customer list, there are also ways to generate revenue within the existing client base, offering them products they are most likely to be interested in.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing