

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

How to Make Data-Driven Decisions for Credit Union Digital Marketing

Posted October 22, 2020
4 minute read
Pressured to show immediate success, or lacking deeper insight into marketing performance, it’s easy for credit union marketers to rely on vanity metrics to guide their decision-making process. However, these metrics only support non-transactional marketing goals and don’t provide you with the entire picture of how your campaigns are performing. Your decisions should be backed by more sophisticated metrics like cost per application and funded loans to get the best results from your credit union marketing strategy. These metrics show the real impact that your efforts are having on your credit union, and allow you to make adjustments to where you focus your time and marketing budget.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

How To Interpret The Results Of Your Credit Union Marketing

Posted October 7, 2020
4 minute read
An effective marketing campaign creates results. But how good are those results? What outcomes did they lead to? Every credit union marketing campaign needs to be analyzed to determine effectiveness. No matter how creative, interesting, or responsive it is, you have to ask what came of that campaign. Did it reach the goals you desired? Was it worth the investment? By analyzing the results of any campaign, you can then make decisions on how to further improve it to achieve an even better ROI. Analyzing campaign success leads to even better results next time. It also allows you to be more selective in your marketing.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

How Much Should Credit Unions Spend on Advertising?

Posted October 1, 2020
4 minute read
As one of the most effective tactics to build brand awareness and drive new memberships and loan applications, advertising commonly consumes a large portion of a credit union marketing budget. The advertising landscape has changed drastically over the last several years. There are now numerous options across both the traditional and digital advertising world, and credit unions must be strategic in how they distribute their advertising budget.
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Topics Marketing budgets, Credit Union Marketing

How Credit Unions Can Market To Current Members

Posted September 18, 2020
3 minute read
When credit union marketing is discussed, the focus is often on how to attract new members. In doing so, nurturing current members can fall to the wayside. However, in reality, it’s crucial to keep your current members engaged and make them aware of products and services that will meet their financial needs.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

Credit Union Case Study: Digital Marketing Strategy

Posted September 16, 2020
2 minute read
WebStrategies partnered with a credit union that had the goal of creating a unified digital marketing strategy that fuels new account openings and loan applications. With little prior digital marketing experience outside of mostly disappointing digital advertisements, this credit union was in search of expert digital advertising guidance and a strategy to diversify the sources of traffic visiting their website.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

How Credit Unions Can Spend Less on Marketing and Get Better Results

Posted September 1, 2020
3 minute read
COVID-19 has impacted every industry, from the perspective of the consumer and the company. As behavior changes, credit unions are being forced to adjust their marketing spend to be both efficient and effective.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

The Best Advertising Strategy For Credit Unions With A Limited Budget

Posted August 21, 2020
3 minute read
Digital advertising is one of the most cost-effective and impactful ways to reach your credit union’s target audience. Unfortunately, when implementing an advertising strategy, there are various ways credit unions tend to waste money.
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Topics Digital advertising, Credit Union Marketing

How Credit Unions Can Engage With Their Community Without In-Person Events

Posted August 14, 2020
4 minute read
While in-person events are on hold for the most part, it doesn't mean that engaging with your community should be on hold as well. When you can't have in-person events, it requires that you use creative and often virtual means to build and maintain a valuable connection with prospective, new, and existing members of your credit union.
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Topics Local SEO, Credit Union Marketing, Branding

Credit Union Marketing: Lead Tracking vs ROI Tracking

Posted August 7, 2020
5 minute read
Every credit union marketer loves to have as much high-quality lead tracking in place as possible. Understanding the pages and products that are driving the most new leads is essential to keeping up with your credit union’s digital marketing performance. But, what if you could also track the actual ROI that your marketing efforts generate?
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Topics ROI, Reporting, Credit Union Marketing

Capture Credit Union Leads With Step Zero Forms

Posted July 24, 2020
3 minute read
For many different reasons, people start applications online and don’t finish the process. This is especially true with more people starting applications on mobile devices. Form abandonment is a hurdle that all credit unions (and all businesses, really) face. But there’s actually a way to curb this common application “leak” and to learn who is starting applications. First, we have to address the heart of the issue.
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Topics Reporting, Lead generation, Credit Union Marketing