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Neal Lappe, Local Business Owner, Appointed Leader in Internet Marketing Network

Posted August 17, 2010
1 minute read

Richmond, VA – August 17, 2010—The WSI Network of Internet Consultants announces Neal Lappe of WebStrategies Inc. as an advisory council member for their international network. The focus of the advisory council is to pursue standards of business efficiency and continually implement effective solutions to the marketplace. Lappe is one of four representatives from the United States.

Lappe joined the WSI network in 2004 and serves on a council comprised of representatives from the top 12 internet marketing companies in the network worldwide. After three years of running a successful internet marketing and web development firm in Richmond, he was elected to the council. Lappe was re-elected in 2010 for the constant knowledge and experience he shares with the network.

“I feel privileged to offer strategic guidance to the international network and provide them information about what’s going on in the industry as I see it happening in the U.S.”, Lappe says. As one of a select group of council members, Lappe is enthused to share information on a local and global level.

Lappe leads a talented team of online marketing experts in implementing a variety of internet marketing services to local and regional clients. As one of the top 10 internet marketing firms in the international WSI network, WebStrategies has a significant amount of experience providing effective online marketing solutions to the marketplace.

Lappe understands the business and emerging trends as they currently stand, and is able to leverage that knowledge in providing strategic guidance to WSI international. His firm’s success and his involvement at the international level have given him the opportunity to speak around the world to internet marketing professionals and business owners. WSI is the largest internet marketing network worldwide. They are comprised of about 1500 individual marketing companies in more than 80 countries.

Contact: Tara Lappe

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