Richmond, VA – September 15, 2010—WebStrategies, a local internet marketing agency, has obtained a company certified partnership with Google recognizing them as offering top-tier Google search engine advertising services to the marketplace. WebStrategies is one of about 20 companies in Virginia that holds a company certified partnership with Google for pay-per-click services. This certification is utilized when handling clients’ search engine marketing dollars and enables them to get the best results for their marketing dollars.
As a certified partner a company must pass exams and prove capable of handling a certain amount of money in a specific period of time. The Google certification is a globally recognized stamp of approval, and demonstrates knowledge of tools and best practice techniques. As a company, WebStrategies manages a multi-million dollar portfolio for companies with significant online businesses.
In addition to this recent Google search marketing certification, WebStrategies also employs three Google Analytics Qualified Individuals.
Contact: Tara Lappe
For more information on WebStrategies, visit
For more information on Google AdWords, visit,
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