

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Performance Max vs. Traditional Google Ad Campaigns: Unlocking Success

Posted September 3, 2024
5 minute read

In the ever-evolving world of digital advertising, B2B companies are constantly seeking the most effective strategies to generate leads and drive sales.

A recent case study conducted by WebStrategies Inc. sheds light on the performance of Google's Performance Max (PMAX) campaigns compared to traditional Search and Display campaigns for two B2B clients.

Let's dive into the findings and explore what they mean for your advertising strategy.

The Study

WebStrategies Inc. analyzed the performance of advertising campaigns for two B2B clients:

1. Food Equipment Manufacturer Company: A leading manufacturer of slicing and assembly equipment in the food industry.

2. Oil & Gas Flow Meter Manufacturer Instruments: A leading supplier of flow meters in the oil and gas industry.

Both companies had previously relied on traditional Google Search and Display ads for lead generation. The study aimed to compare these conventional methods with the newer Performance Max campaigns over three months.


Key Metrics and Methodology

The study focused on four key performance indicators:
1. Conversion volume
2. Cost per lead (CPL)
3. Conversion rate (CVR)

For the traditional campaigns, a combination of keyword-targeted search ads and audience-based display ads were used.

The Performance Max campaigns leveraged Google's algorithms and audience signals to optimize ad placements across its network.


Results: A Tale of Two Companies

Our workflow included a series of eight educational emails spread out over several months. These weren't pushy sales pitches – instead, we focused on providing value through informative content.

The results for this client were impressive. By implementing Performance Max campaigns, they achieved a higher conversion rate while significantly reducing ad spend. The cost per lead decreased, indicating improved efficiency in lead generation.

Oil & Gas Flow Meter Manufacturer Instruments:


SPEND $19,723 $8,734.35
CPL $68 $52
CVR 3.21% 4.10%


Food Equipment Manufacturer Company:


SPEND $2,950 $3,068
CPL $64 $23
CVR 1.03% 0.14%


For this client, the results were mixed. While the Performance Max campaigns dramatically increased conversion volume and lowered the cost per lead, there was a significant drop in conversion rate. This was attributed to a surge in website traffic without a proportional increase in lead generation.

The Results

After six months of consistent, value-driven communication, we saw impressive results:

  • 24% email open rate
  • 22% click-through rate
  • One $107,000 equipment sale

Key Takeaways

  1. Performance Max Can Be a Game-Changer

 For the Oil & Gas client, PMAX campaigns delivered superior results in lead generation compared to traditional methods.

  1. Location Targeting Matters

The study revealed that when targeting multiple countries (as in the case of the Food Equipment Manufacturer), PMAX campaigns may favor certain geographies over others. This suggests the need for separate campaigns for different locations to ensure balanced budget allocation.

  1. Increased Traffic Doesn't Always Mean More Conversion

The Food Equipment Manufacturer saw a surge in website visitors but not in actual leads, highlighting the importance of optimizing landing pages and conversion paths.

  1. Budget Allocation is Crucial

The study recommends allocating a significant portion of the advertising budget to Performance Max campaigns to maximize ROI.


Recommendations for B2B Advertisers

  1. Test Performance Max: If you haven't already, consider running PMAX campaigns alongside your traditional advertising efforts to compare results.
  2. Segment by Geography: When targeting multiple countries or regions, create separate PMAX campaigns for each to maintain control over budget allocation and performance.
  3. Focus on Conversion Optimization: Ensure your website and landing pages are optimized to convert the increased traffic that PMAX campaigns may generate.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your campaign performance and be prepared to adjust your strategy based on the results.


The shift towards Performance Max campaigns represents an exciting opportunity for B2B advertisers to improve their lead generation efforts. While the results may vary depending on your industry and target audience, the potential for increased efficiency and ROI is clear. By carefully implementing and monitoring these campaigns, B2B companies can stay ahead in the competitive digital advertising landscape.

Remember, every business is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's essential to continuously test, learn, and optimize your advertising strategy to find the perfect mix for your B2B company.


Topics Advertising, Google Ads, Pay Per Click, Digital Marketing, Case Studies, PMAX

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