

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

It's about timy.

Posted December 16, 2009
1 minute read

David McKillen WebStrategies Inc.

Sorry couldn't resist that title :) but I was getting frustrated with having to navigate through Basecamp every time I wanted to update some recorded time. Basecamp really is a very cool time recording tool and to be honest I’m not entirely sure (off the top of my head at least) how 37 Signals could make it easier but I needed to find a quicker way of completing my timesheet.

So I did a little Googling and discovered timy. What an incredibly neat little app. timy uses an Adobe AIR run-time and is available for PC, Mac and some Linux distributions. It’s simple to use; one basically synchronizes timy with Basecamp which in turn makes all your projects/clients available for selection in the preferences section (bottom right of the app). Once you select any given client, you can then simply access this client/project on the left side of the main page.

You can drag-n-drop the client/project to any particular day of the week and then very quickly add the amount of time to be recorded then hit save. It’s really that simple and boy has it saved me tons of back and forth from my little Word pad desktop file at the end of each week.

Check out timy, definitely a fave app of mine for 2009.

David McKillen WebStrategies Inc.

Topics Web tools

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