

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

From Act-On to HubSpot: A Manufacturing Client's transformative outcome

Posted August 20, 2024
3 minute read

The Challenge: Outgrowing Act-On

Our manufacturing client has been using Act-On for their email marketing campaigns for several years, and it is integrated with their on-premise Microsoft Dynamics CRM via nightly batch updates. However, they faced growing frustrations:

  • Difficulty setting up workflows
  • Inconsistent workflow performance
  • Limited platform usage (primarily quarterly emails)
  • Underutilized landing pages for regional sales managers

The Wish List: Seeking More Robust Marketing Solutions

Ready to graduate to a more powerful platform, our client shared an ambitious wish list:

  1. New landing pages and email templates
  2. Email newsletter capabilities
  3. Social media management
  4. Advertising campaign integration and reporting
  5. Marketing influence analysis
  6. A/B testing for emails and landing pages
  7. Form creation with pre-submission activity tracking
  8. Trade show follow-ups
  9. Webinar invitation management
  10. Cross-sell and upsell email campaigns
  11. Dealer service and parts reminder emails
  12. 30, 60, 90-day follow-ups on open deals
  13. NPS surveys (six months post-equipment shipment)
  14. Enhanced trade show contact tracking

The Solution: HubSpot Marketing Hub

Our client was sold after just two demos of HubSpot Marketing Hub and a pricing proposal about 20% lower than Act-On. Implementation was completed in Q1 2024, with every item on their wish list either implemented or scheduled.

HubSpot: More Than Just Email Marketing

Many view HubSpot as just another email marketing platform, but it offers a comprehensive suite of marketing tools:

  • CRM functionality (contacts, companies, deals, tasks, and activities)
  • Advanced email marketing capabilities
  • Sophisticated automated workflow functionality
  • Comprehensive reporting (website, email, social media, and advertising)
  • Website integration with user tracking
  • List management (active and static)
  • Automated website chatbot
  • SEO tools
  • Blog management
  • Product listings
  • Integration with various CRMs and ERP platforms

Plus, HubSpot has integrated over 15 AI functionalities into their Marketing Hub, with more on the horizon.

The Results: Game-Changing Outcomes

Our client's experience with HubSpot and WebStrategies has been transformative. In their words:

WebStrategies was the missing piece in our inbound marketing puzzle. They took the time to understand our unique needs and internal systems - a breath of fresh air compared to one-size-fits-all approaches. This deep dive led to a customized HubSpot implementation plan, ensuring we stayed on track and launched within a tight timeframe. It felt like going from "crawling to sprinting" - critical workflows were in place in time for our biggest tradeshow!"

The client praised WebStrategies' expertise in SEO, content marketing, and digital advertising, as well as their deep knowledge of B2B manufacturing. The results have exceeded expectations, significantly boosting website leads and calls.

Looking Ahead: Full Platform Integration

While still in the early stages of leveraging HubSpot's Marketing Pro platform, our client is already exploring HubSpot's other Hubs (Sales, Service, Operations). The ultimate goal is to create a fully integrated system across sales, marketing, service, and parts departments, eliminating redundant systems and improving both efficiency and communication quality.

Conclusion: A Great Investment

Moving from Act-On to HubSpot has proven to be a game-changing investment for our manufacturing client. With a more robust, integrated marketing platform and expert support from WebStrategies, they're now poised for significant growth and improved operational efficiency.

If you're looking to elevate your digital and inbound marketing game, consider following in our client's footsteps. The journey from basic email marketing to a comprehensive, AI-enhanced marketing ecosystem could be the key to unlocking your business's full potential.


Book a call with Howard Deskin



Topics Hubspot, Email marketing, B2B Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, Industrial Services Marketing, Salesforce Integration

Howard Deskin is a former CPA with more than 30 years of experience managing strategic business and technology initiatives. At WebStrategies, Howard spends his time doing what he does best: focusing on business growth opportunities for clients, helping them increase both revenues and profits.

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