

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Enhancing Salesforce Data Quality & Usability with HubSpot's Intelligence

Posted July 9, 2024
4 minute read

Salesforce is a powerful CRM platform, but its value is only as good as the data that lives within it. For industrial manufacturers, poor data quality in Salesforce can lead to missed opportunities, wasted time, and frustration for sales and marketing teams alike.

Integrating Salesforce with HubSpot can help enhance your Salesforce data quality and usability, leveraging HubSpot's intelligence to fill in gaps, correct inaccuracies, and surface valuable insights.

The Data Quality Challenge

Maintaining high-quality data in Salesforce is an ongoing challenge for many organizations.

Sales reps may enter incomplete or inaccurate information, leads may contain outdated or invalid email addresses, and important fields may be missing altogether.

These data quality issues can hamper sales productivity, lead to bounced emails and undeliverable campaigns, and make it difficult to get an accurate picture of your pipeline and performance.


HubSpot to the Rescue

Integrating Salesforce with HubSpot can help mitigate these data quality challenges in several ways. First, HubSpot can automatically enrich your Salesforce records with valuable intelligence gleaned from marketing interactions.

For example, if a lead visits your pricing page or downloads a product spec sheet, that information can be automatically synced to Salesforce, giving sales reps valuable context about the lead's interests and intent.



HubSpot also offers powerful data quality tools that can help keep your Salesforce data clean and accurate.

For example, HubSpot's deduplication tool automatically identifies and merges duplicate records, while its email validation tool can catch invalid or outdated email addresses before they cause bounces and hurt your sender's reputation.

Data Quality Tools: Dedupely
Image Source: HubSpot


Predictive Lead Scoring

One of the most powerful ways HubSpot can enhance your Salesforce data is through predictive lead scoring. Using machine learning, HubSpot can analyze patterns in your Salesforce data, HubSpot data and marketing interactions to predict which leads are most likely to convert into customers. These predictive scores can be synced back to Salesforce, allowing sales reps to prioritize their outreach and focus on the hottest opportunities.

Data includes:

  • Analytics and conversion information, including page views, website visits, social media clicks, email opens and clicks, and unique conversions such as form submissions.
  • Interactions include notes logged, days since the last meeting or last contact, and type of email (ex: company domain or Gmail).
  • Firmographic information can also be used, including company revenue, technologies used, and number of employees.
  • HubSpot uses blackbox machine learning to create predictions. The inputs and outputs are known but how the input is transformed into the output is unknown. Sort of like some of the acts you see on America’s Got Talent!

By leveraging HubSpot's predictive intelligence, you can make your Salesforce data more actionable and empower your sales team to work more efficiently and effectively.


Email Deliverability Insights

Email deliverability is a critical concern for industrial manufacturers, as bounced emails and low open rates can hurt your ability to nurture leads and drive conversions. HubSpot's email marketing platform includes powerful deliverability tools that can help ensure your campaigns reach their intended recipients.

For example, HubSpot's email health tool can identify potential deliverability issues before you hit send, such as missing alt text or broken links. HubSpot also provides detailed analytics on email performance, including deliverability rates, bounces, and unsubscribes. By syncing this data back to Salesforce, you can keep your email data clean and ensure that your sales reps are working with the most up-to-date and accurate information.

You will most likely sync your Salesforce Opportunities to HubSpot Deals. HubSpot provides functionality for you to assign “probability to close” percentages to each stage in your Opportunity/Deal Funnel.

Image Source: HubSpot




  • Salesforce is a critical tool for industrial manufacturers, but its value is only as good as the data that lives within it. By integrating Salesforce with HubSpot, you can enhance your Salesforce data quality and usability, leveraging HubSpot's intelligence to fill in gaps, correct inaccuracies, and surface valuable insights.

  • From predictive lead scoring to email deliverability insights, HubSpot can help make your Salesforce data more actionable and empower your sales and marketing teams to work more efficiently and effectively. By investing in data quality and integration, you can unlock the full potential of your Salesforce investment and drive better business results.

Learn about 12 ways HubSpot Elevates Marketing for Manufacturers


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Topics Hubspot, B2B Marketing, Manufacturing Marketing, Industrial Services Marketing, Salesforce, Salesforce Integration

Howard Deskin is a former CPA with more than 30 years of experience managing strategic business and technology initiatives. At WebStrategies, Howard spends his time doing what he does best: focusing on business growth opportunities for clients, helping them increase both revenues and profits.

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