

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Don't read Wikipedia ... Listen and Watch!

Posted July 17, 2012
1 minute read

The beauty of the Internet is that not only does it provide a seemingly infinite fountain of knowledge, but it also provides and ever increasing number of way of digesting this information. Wikipedia is an extraordinarily useful tool for finding information on just about anything you can think of. It has fast become a respected source of information for Academics too. Although perhaps not peer reviewed, Wikipedia is more and more becoming an accepted, legitimate research source.

As if Wikipedia isn’t already enough, thanks to the makers of Qwiki, we can now search for Wikipedia content and simply sit back and absorb the information as it is read to us while enjoying photographs and charts that help us better visualize and understand the topic. You can check out a quick example of this here, a demo in which we can enjoy Wikipedia’s explanation of “Internet Marketing.” Perhaps not entirely perfect just yet, Qwiki seems to be a very clever idea that utilizes pre-existing web content.

Even better still, you can create your own Qwiki videos fairly quickly and easily producing a very fluid interactive experience for your users, with minimal know-how. Nice work Qwiki!

Topics Search engines, Blogging

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