

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Do more than just blog ... cast!

Posted November 30, 2011
1 minute read

Over the years blogging has become more than just a way of posting your favorite dog pics or family updates, it has evolved into something much more powerful. As a relatively novice blog writer (i.e. someone who thinks blogging can be fun and extremely useful/powerful but simply never has the time to become a true blog writer) I thought, wouldn't it be cool to be able to use my blogs to do more than just update a handful of friends who follow the my blog feed. Sure enough, turns out hardcore bloggers, the guys and gals that really know how to write do something called casting.

So a little while back we started building casting "packages", if you will, that basically fire out your most recent blog post to about 30 different networking sites. Pretty neat! so not only will my blog post be added to the usual blog RSS feed but several of the big social networking players receive it too ... Facebook, Twitter, GTalk, Friendfeed, Delicious ... the list goes on.

But wait, there's more! Not only can I reach many of my friends and associates on social sites this way, but there are also some positive SEO ramifications. Carefully worded and content rich blog posts (with useful linking and video content too perhaps) automatically become back-linked to my blog and (if incorporated) my website.

So not just a useful tool for making my life easier but extra Web marketing related benefits too?? Nice. :)

David McKillen, WebStrategies Inc.

Topics Blogging

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