

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration


WebStrategies exists to improve the personal success of our clients, grow their businesses, and turn them into raving fans. This is accomplished by providing strategy based, data-driven digital marketing services, advice and plans that convert online visitors into leads and sales for our clients.

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Joomla! image maps, the

tag and editor stripping.

Posted January 21, 2011
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David McKillen WebStrategies Inc.
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Local Firm Wins Marketing Excellence Award

Posted October 8, 2010
2 minute read
Richmond, VA—October 8, 2010—WebStrategies, a local internet marketing agency, recently won an End Client Marketing Excellence Award for their search engine and social media marketing strategies provided to Giroud Tree Service. The award was presented at the 2010 WSI global digital marketing conference.
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Topics Press Release

Local Internet Marketing Agency Recognized as a Certified Partner with Google

Posted September 15, 2010
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Richmond, VA – September 15, 2010—WebStrategies, a local internet marketing agency, has obtained a company certified partnership with Google recognizing them as offering top-tier Google search engine advertising services to the marketplace. WebStrategies is one of about 20 companies in Virginia that holds a company certified partnership with Google for pay-per-click services. This certification is utilized when handling clients’ search engine marketing dollars and enables them to get the best results for their marketing dollars.
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Topics Press Release

Neal Lappe, Local Business Owner, Appointed Leader in Internet Marketing Network

Posted August 17, 2010
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Richmond, VA – August 17, 2010—The WSI Network of Internet Consultants announces Neal Lappe of WebStrategies Inc. as an advisory council member for their international network. The focus of the advisory council is to pursue standards of business efficiency and continually implement effective solutions to the marketplace. Lappe is one of four representatives from the United States.
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Topics Press Release

Richmond AMA Chapter announces Neal Lappe as President-Elect for 2010-2011

Posted July 27, 2010
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Richmond, VA – July 27, 2010 – Effective July 1, 2010, the Richmond Chapter of the American Marketing Association (AMA) announced Neal Lappe of WebStrategies Inc. as their President-Elect.
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Topics Press Release

The UFC Earns a KO With Social Media

Posted July 20, 2010
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David McKillen WebStrategies Inc.
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Topics Facebook, Social Media

Do Excesses in Our Lives Apply to Internet Marketing?

Posted July 20, 2010
2 minute read
I stopped to get coffee this morning on my drive into town, and watched with fascination as another customer stood and poured packet after packet of sugar into his coffee. He was grabbing two and three at a time, and by my estimate there were 30 or more packets in his medium sized cup by the time he finished several minutes later. He actually requested a spoon to mix the slurry, since the provided plastic stirrers simply bent double.
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Topics SEO, Website Development, Email marketing

Bad things can happen if your domain runs out.

Posted July 9, 2010
1 minute read
Best case scenario if your domain name runs out is that some ISP buys up your domain and puts some profit making ads on your little piece of cyberspace. You might be able to buy your domain back but unfortunately, more often than not it will cost you a few of your hard earned dollars. Purchasing and maintaining your domain name is very important as it defines your company's Online marketing campaign. In most cases you have business cards, posters, letterheads and more, brandished with your cool personal Web Domain name, that nobody else was smart enough to think up. If you let your domain hosting lapse, don't have a current email assigned to your admin account (with a responsible person or company keeping watch) or simply let your credit card expire and not update your host, you could find yourself in some trouble. So what could POSSIBLY go wrong - I mean com'on seriously? Who cares about MY domain and for that matter any domain names created for businesses or government bodies of importance would be well guarded. - Right?! Wrong. Unfortunately as demonstrated by the Bluff City Police dept. of Tennessee, you can never be too careful. Brian McCrary, who says he received a $90 speeding citation earlier this year, purchased the Bluff City website domain on May 22 and this is what ensued. Long story short - consider how much in marketing dollars you have poured into your Online marketing strategy and then consider keeping a closer eye on your domain names! David McKillen
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Twitter is simply a waste of valuable time.

Posted June 30, 2010
3 minute read
David McKillen WebStrategies Inc. Twitter is simply a waste of valuable time - at least that's what I used to think. Chris Leone, our resident Social Media Mad man, battered on me for long enough trying to convince me that Twitter was more than just a way of skipping my work duties and that there is some genuine value to investing time therein.
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Topics Web tools, Social Media

New iPhone WWDC 2010 video / audio streaming.

Posted June 8, 2010
1 minute read
David McKillen WebStrategies Inc.
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