The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased level of anxiety and uncertainty throughout the business world, and it’s essential to re-examine how to manage your business, and how you market your business, throughout this pandemic.
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We’ve worked with a lot of industries over the years, including many companies in the manufacturing space. And if there are two things we’ve learned, it’s that 1) most marketing reports sent by agencies are ignored, and 2) manufacturing companies want to know exactly what they’re getting for their marketing investment. Not in terms of clicks. Not in terms of impressions. Not in terms of traffic. But in terms of leads. Real, qualified leads.
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Manufacturing Marketing
Originally published September 2016. Updated Jan 2019 with lifetime value example. When you spend $1 on marketing, how much should you expect in return? That's what we'll answer in this post. ///// When someone asks you, “is your marketing working,” what do you think they’re really asking? Are they asking if it’s generating awareness, generating foot traffic, or generating sales?
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Digital Marketing
Most businesses are advertising on the few platforms that dominate the market, such as Google and Facebook, but are you missing out on cost-effective opportunities to reach your target market on some less popular platforms? Our last live show covered some less common, but often effective, digital advertising platforms, and when companies should consider incorporating them into their marketing strategy.
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Digital advertising,
Google Ads,
Digital Marketing
We spend a lot of time researching and trying out tools to improve the results of our clients' marketing efforts, to measure those results, and to simply make our time more productive. Last year, our broadcast about our favorite DIY digital marketing tools was a big hit. Many small and medium sized businesses are looking for user-friendly and inexpensive solutions to make their marketing more effective, and we are happy to share what we've learned! Because the digital world moves so quickly, and we had many more to share, we decided to put out a new show with an updated list of tools to consider adding to your marketing technology stack.
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Content marketing,
Inbound Marketing,
Digital Marketing
It's one of the most common questions businesses have when they consider investing in a digital marketing plan. Expecting instant results, or underestimating the ongoing commitment required to see a return on investment, are common misconceptions. However, there are some tactics that can start to produce results quickly. So what's the answer?
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Digital Marketing
I recently had the pleasure of interviewing marketing thought-leader Todd Feldman about his experience blending brand and lead generation tactics to create performance marketing powerhouses. Todd’s previous roles include CMO of Virginia Credit Union, Head of Social & Emerging Marketing Channels at Circuit City, and Vice President of Marketing for Aaxis, a global ecommerce consultancy.
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Digital Marketing,
Over the last several years, we’ve shared countless tips for generating leads online. But did you know it's typical to only close a fraction of those leads? So what’s going on here? Turns out, it can be several things. I recently interviewed Neal Lappe, CEO of Forensics of Selling and WebStrategies Founder, on how to turn more of your digital marketing leads into paying customers. We explored some of the top factors that contribute to a lead not closing and what you can do about it.
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Sales & Marketing,
Lead generation
Display advertising has gotten much more sophisticated in the past decade, allowing you to deliver highly relevant image ads to the audience you specifically want to reach. But does it get results?
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Display Advertising,
Digital Marketing
Google Analytics offers a huge amount of data, and an almost endless array of options for analyzing that data. That's a great thing for data-driven marketers such as ourselves, but for many businesses, that can be overwhelming and is frankly more information than they will ever need. There are a handful of critically important metrics that every business should be reviewing to identify the overall health of their website, and our recent broadcast focused on those.
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Web tools,
Google Analytics,
Web Analytics