

Inbound Marketing & Sales Development Inspiration

Carrie Dedrick

Carrie Dedrick
Carrie Dedrick has over seven years of experience in the digital marketing space. A writer at heart, Carrie spent a significant portion of her career as an editor of a website with an audience of over 2 million people, responsible for copywriting, editing, content strategy, and organic social media. Though she started out at WebStrategies in 2019 as a client success manager, Carrie particularly enjoys her new role behind-the-scenes supporting marketing and sales initiatives through the inbound approach. A proud alumna of Bridgewater College, she earned her B.A. in Communication Studies and English in 2012.

Recent Posts

Why Credit Unions Should be Using Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking

Posted December 23, 2019
4 minute read
Ecommerce tracking isn’t new to Google Analytics. Retailers have been using this data to track online transactions for years. But eCommerce tracking isn’t just for online retailers. Credit unions can (and should) be using Google Analytics eCommerce tracking to monitor submitted applications to better calculate ROI.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing

What Google Analytics Store Visits Data Means for Credit Union Marketing Reporting

Posted November 25, 2019
3 minute read
A new Google Analytics feature will allow users to link digital marketing efforts to physical location traffic. The feature, called “Store Visits”, tracks the number of people who visit an organization’s physical location after a session on the organization’s website. Store visits are counted if the user walks into the physical location within 30 days of the online session. This feature is currently in beta mode and not yet available to all Google Analytics users, but this could be an exciting insight for credit unions.
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Topics Credit Union Marketing