Carrie Dedrick
Carrie Dedrick has over seven years of experience in the digital marketing space. A writer at heart, Carrie spent a significant portion of her career as an editor of a website with an audience of over 2 million people, responsible for copywriting, editing, content strategy, and organic social media. Though she started out at WebStrategies in 2019 as a client success manager, Carrie particularly enjoys her new role behind-the-scenes supporting marketing and sales initiatives through the inbound approach. A proud alumna of Bridgewater College, she earned her B.A. in Communication Studies and English in 2012.
What do our credit union clients want most? Tracking! Many of our credit union clients come to us because they want better tracking and reporting. They want to be able to show that their digital marketing efforts are making an impact on business, leading to submitted applications.
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Credit Union Marketing
What do our credit union clients want most? Tracking! Many of our credit union clients come to us because they want better tracking and reporting. They want to be able to show that their digital marketing efforts are making an impact on business, leading to submitted applications.
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Credit Union Marketing
What do our credit union clients want most? Tracking! Many of our credit union clients come to us because they want better tracking and reporting. They want to be able to show that their digital marketing efforts are making an impact on business, leading to submitted applications.
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Credit Union Marketing
What do our credit union clients want most? Tracking! Many of our credit union clients come to us because they want better tracking and reporting. They want to be able to show that their digital marketing efforts are making an impact on business, leading to submitted applications.
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Credit Union Marketing
What do our credit union clients want most? Tracking! Many of our credit union clients come to us because they want better tracking and reporting. They want to be able to show that their digital marketing efforts are making an impact on business, leading to submitted applications.
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Credit Union Marketing
The WebStrategies benchmark blog post series has covered a variety of site engagement metrics. So far we have taken a dive into how long users remain on credit union websites, how many users leave credit union sites without viewing another page, how the users came to the website, and who these users are.
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Credit Union Marketing,
Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks
Many of our credit union clients tell us that they struggle with an aging membership base and want to attract younger members. This is a great goal to set, but first, does your credit union have a thorough understanding of where you stand currently with the age distribution of website traffic? As part of WebStrategies’ credit union annual benchmark report series, today’s topic dives into age distribution of website traffic. Is your website attracting visitors who are in the age demographic that your credit union needs?
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Credit Union Marketing,
Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks
Why are Some Credit Unions Behind the Curve on Marketing Automation? WebStrategies CEO Chris Leone and Director of Digital Marketing Phil Woods were recently guests on Mike Lawson’s CU Broadcast, discussing marketing automation for credit unions. Highlights from their discussion are below:
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Marketing Automation,
Credit Union Marketing,
HubSpot for Credit Unions
If you’ve been following the WebStrategies credit union annual benchmark report blog series, you know that we are taking a deep dive into credit union site engagement metrics from 2019 to identify pain points and trends across the industry. While site engagement metrics don’t show conversion data, these metrics allow you to identify specific opportunities for your credit union.
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Credit Union Marketing,
Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks
Credit union marketers can spend hours (or longer) looking at data and analyzing its meaning. Some of this data is meaningful, while certain metrics aren’t much more than distractions from the big picture. It takes an expert to determine what metrics matter for your organization.
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Credit Union Marketing,
Credit Union Marketing Benchmarks